Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer Bunnies

Over the summers we have had a few friendly animals come around the yard. A few years ago it was a giant skunk, every night just before the sun began to set, you could see him walk through the field and up past our front yard. We would of course watch through the front window. Last year it was a bunch of squirrels that unfortunately became more of an infestation, which we had to take care of. This summer though it is a pleasant pair of bunnies. Every morning and evening around seven o'clock you could look out the window and find them munching on weeds. Sometimes we would picnic with them in the evening and they wouldn't mind as long as we stayed on our blanket.

4 Happy Thoughts:

Becky and Ryan said...

You must have been very sneaky to get those pictures! My kids love watching the bunnies and chipmunks through our patio window.

Adrienne said...

One night we were driving down our street and I swore I saw a bunny hopping down a neighbor's driveway. I forgot about it thinking I was crazy until we were going for a walk and we saw the bunny in someone's yard, apparently it's their pet bunny that they let roam the neighborhood.

beth said...

are you saying you like the bunnies??? :)

rach said...

I like all kinds of animals, as long as they don't live with me. These are the perfect bunnies: They come-they eat-they leave :)