Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now......

Well not really. We went to the opthamologist and found out that Lizzie's right eye isn't working as hard as it should. So she has to wear glasses to "hopefully" get it where it needs to be. She is doing really well so far, but this is only day one and the glasses are still a new and exciting. We have a system in place and I hope it will work long enough for a habit to form. The doctor gave her a cute glasses case that looks like a purse, we hung it on the wall so we won't misplace it. Every morning she will wake up and put her glasses on and we replace them with several gold "chocolate" coins. When she won't wear them we take a coin out. Whatever is left she gets to eat before bed and then places her glasses back in the case. Wish me luck :)

7 Happy Thoughts:

beth said...

Oh Lizzie, your glasses are adorable and I know you are such a big girl you will do fine wearing them. We must have a glasses party..enjoy your yummy gold coins.

Nat said...

Lizzy - You look so cute in your glasses! I just love them.

Heather said...

Lizzie!!! We are twiners now. I have glasses too and I love how they help me see better! I can't wait to see you in a few months. I'll show you my glasses and I can't wait to see you in yours. Did you pick them out? They are very cute!

Flightee said...

Love the glasses, Lizzie. Glasses are so cool! But earning the chocolate sounds awesome! Good luck with it! I know you can do it!

hanesville said...

Lizzy looks so smart in her glasses! Abby thinks it's cool that other little kids wear glasses too.

Adrienne said...

Ella loves your new glasses, she keeps telling people, "Lizzie wears glasses", and she asks to see the picture of you wearing them.

Danen & Brittany Johanson said...

She looks cute with galsses!! My oldest got glasses when she was in 1st grade. She never lost them, but she has stepped on them and dropped them in the campfire.. OOPS!!!